Background Check solutions for Consulting Firm Industry

Experience unparalleled reliability and confidence with Integrity Track’s meticulous background check solutions customized for the Consulting Firm Industry.

Get Candidate Results Fast so you can supply demand

Integrity Track service provides results for screened candidates within 1-3 business days, enabling swift decision-making and efficient hiring processes.

Work with a Responsive Team of experts

Need answers and updates fast? Integrity Track pairs you with a dedicated customer success team member who provide immediate help.

Spend Less When screening candidates

Grow up your recruitment process cost-effectively with Integrity Track. Staffing companies using Integrity Track enjoy a 22% decrease in screening expenditures.

Reputation is everything in the consulting industry. Clients demand integrity, professionalism, and reliability. At Integrity Track, we understand the essential role background checks play in ensuring these qualities. Our comprehensive background checks are tailored to the unique needs of consulting firms, providing you with the assurance that your team is composed of trustworthy individuals.

Did You Know

According to a survey conducted by the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS),  around 95% of companies within the consulting industry perform background screenings on potential hires. This number reflects that the industry recognizes the importance of thorough screening processes to warrant integrity and professionalism when working with clients.

Embracing new talent is pivotal for advancement. Background checks provide a secure and efficient way to do so. At Integrity Track, our commitment to continuous innovation aims to deliver a streamlined process, precise outcomes, expedited time-to-hire, and mitigated risk of liability.

Integrated with ATS Platforms

Supported by Trust & Safety Experts
Built to Save You Money

“ShortStaf’s migration to Yardstik, who is now acting as as our exclusive provider for our staff background checks, has been nothing short of amazing. The pricing model and efficiency that Yardstik has provided has helped our overall business in ways that we couldn’t imagine. We have found the Yardstik platform extremely easy to use and navigate and we look forward to continuing to work with their amazing team as we grow our relationship!”

— Brenden Curcio, CEO at ShortStaf

  • Quick and cost-effective
  • Timely and accurate reporting
  • Customized screening programs
  • Industry-best practices alignment
  • Compliance-ready tools
  • Secure Issuance
You need a partner who can help you know with certainty that you’re hiring and placing the right people. Your clients expect it. Your reputation depends on it. Rest easy knowing you have it under control.